Adding your event to the UI Events Calendar is the first step to a successful event promotion. One submission, using the instructions below, pushes events to multiple websites, calendars, and audiences.

  • Student Life Events and all other DSL site event listings are driven by feeds from the UI Events Calendar.
  • Event feeds drive "events happening in the IMU" or "recreation events" and so forth. 
  • By submitting your event and using tags (below), your event will reach multiple audiences and sites. 
  • The accessibility statement is automatically included on the Events Calendar and web-based event listings. 

Step 1: Find your tags here

Adding tags makes events appear on multiple websites. 

Adding tags to an event will make the event appear on other sites, like Student Life Events, or in some cases, your own unit website. 

Tags used in the Division of Student Life are shown below, and how those tags push events to various websites. 

Tag guide for DSL websites

Where do I add the tags?

Add tags to your event at the bottom of the "add event" page under "filters." The image below shows what the fields look like. 

image of tag adding ... demo

Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement

Celebration months and weeks appear as "General Interest" tags.  

Tag typeEvent tag in calendarWebsite / effect of adding tag
UnitMulticultural and International Student Support ProgramsMISSE
General InterestMartin Luther King Jr. Celebration WeekMLK (
General InterestAsian Pacific American Heritage MonthAPAHM on misse site
General InterestLNACC in Action WeekLNACC in Action Week
General InterestAPACC WeekAPACC Week
General InterestBlack Excellence WeekBlack Excellence Week
General InterestBlack History MonthBlack History Month
General InterestLGBTQ History MonthLGBTQ History Month
General InterestLatinx Heritage MonthLatinx Heritage Month
General InterestNative American Heritage MonthNative American Heritage Month
General InterestPride WeekPride Week


Division of Student Life Unit Websites

DSL unit tags are found under Department > Division of Student Life    

Tag typeEvent tag in calendarWebsite / effect of adding tag
UnitStudent Engagement and Campus Programs Leadership and Engagement Site
UnitDivision of Student LifeDivision of Student Life
LocationLatino Native American Cultural CenterLNACC page
LocationAfro American Cultural CenterAfro House page
LocationPride Alliance CenterPride Alliance Center page
LocationAsian Pacific American Cultural CenterAPACC page
LocationIowa Memorial UnionIMU website listing

DSL-wide / large-scale events / series

These are usually a series of events that include many different units.

Select General Interest > Student Life to see these tags

Tag type Event tag in calendar Website / effect of adding tag
General Interest Student Life > Engaged Hawkeyes Week Add to Engaged Hawkeyes Week page

Step 2: Add your event 

  1. Log in to here with your Hawk ID
  2. Choose "add new event"
  3. Fill out the form with your event details (date, time, location, etc.)
  4. Include a detailed event description to keep your audience informed
    1. NOTE: EMOJIS are not allowed and will break your submission. 😭
  5. Tag your event: this is important! What tags (called filters on the page) do I use?
  6. Under "unit(s)" – choose relevant units related to the event (see "adding event to your website" below)
  7. Submit your event!

After submitted, your event will be approved before appearing on websites and calendars. If your event has not yet appeared, write to or contact for more information on how that process works on the larger site. 

Student Life Events Policy

This policy covers events displayed on the Student Life Events site. Events that are shown on this site are:

  • Events related to, sponsored by, or hosted by the Division of Student Life.
  • Event partnerships between units. 
  • Events sponsored by an affiliated department, unit, or student organization with broad interest for the parent unit.
  • Events not meeting these criteria will be declined.